Smart MS3 will provide a wearable device with real-time data tracking of muscle activation, to be worn around the shoulders, knees, back, neck and other areas of repetitive orthopedic injuries. This will personalize the recovery process of the muscle through monitoring the levels of muscle activity as well as further optimizing the recovery plan through a software service which can aid physical therapists further understand the pain point of the patients. This product can be worn throughout exercise programs in order to ensure that all the proper steps are being taken in order to reach the proper threshold for the stress which the muscle can provide which will minimize risk for damage upon the muscles. Our team provides clarity for both physical therapist and patient when it comes to long and difficult process of recovering from an injury.
Team Members

Pediatric Development Team Members

- George Mason Grant, $700
- Conducted Clinical Study @ RWJ Fitness and Wellness Center
- Texas Christian University Richards Barrentine Values and Ventures® Competition, Finalist
- Rutgers I-Corps Program, $2500
- TiE Pitch Competition, 3rd Place $250
- Rutgers Biomedical Entrepreneurship Network Healthcare Summit, Winner
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