Honors College student sitting in the East Lounge and studying for tests


Honors College Academic Affairs & Advising

Each student in the Honors College can meet with an advisor from our Honors College staff. The academic advisors are located on the first floor in the administrative offices of the Honors College. They work closely with students on issues such as course selection, major selection, graduate and professional school options, internships, and research opportunities.

Honors College academic advisors will help make sure that students meet the Honors College requirements within the curriculum of their particular school. 

View the Advisor and Advisee Relationship.

Advising Appointments

You should plan to meet with one of our advisors on a regular basis to discuss your schedule, plan out your academic and personal goals, or just to talk. You should use our advisors as a resource, so please be sure to schedule time to meet with them through the online scheduler.


NOTE: Please check weekly for new appointment openings.

FAQs | HC Requirements and Courses

What are the HC requirements for first-year students?

First-year students must complete Honors College Forum (01:090:125) and CCC (01:090:103) by the end of their first year.

How do I know which courses are honors?

Typically, courses have “honors” in the title OR have “H” sections, which indicate they are for honors students only. Students may also go to the Honors College site to view courses that typically run with honors sections or versions. Please note “H” sections in summer session ARE NOT honors.

Can I place out of the language requirement since I have credits?

No one can place out of the requirement. All SAS and RBS HC students MUST take at least 1 course at Rutgers for the HC language requirement regardless of credits. However, their credits will determine which language option they should follow.

Can I have an SPN for an Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar?

Honors College does not have SPNs, and most Interdisciplinary Honors Seminars do not offer SPNs. University Schedule of Classes/Webreg indicates which sections do not offer SPNs.

I have a time conflict in my schedule and Webreg will not let me register. Can you override it/can I have an SPN?

Honors College advisors cannot override time conflicts. If the student is looking to do this, and has permission from their professors, they will need to contact an advising dean in their school to see if they will grant them the override. Please note this request is not often approved.

I don’t see any more advising appointments for the rest of the semester on the scheduler. Are there really no more?

There will still be appointments. Advisors update their schedules weekly, so check back at the beginning of every week for appointments for the following week. During the summer, please email hcadvising@echo.rutgers.edu or an HC advisor you’ve worked with to schedule an appointment.

Am I assigned an advisor/who is my assigned HC advisor?

Honors College students can schedule an appointment with any HC advisor to make sure that they are meeting the Honors College requirements within the context of their school's curriculum.

Can you provide prerequisite overrides/an SPN for a course?

No, Honors College advisors cannot do that. The student will need to contact the department for a prerequisite override and the professor for a SPN. Please note that departments have different processes for prerequisite override requests and SPN requests, the student will need to look on the department website for department procedures.


General Questions?

Email us at hcadvising@rutgers.edu.