
Master Class: Intro to Law School with Distinguished Alum Richard Kent, Esq.


In this two-part Master Class on Law, Richard Kent, Esq., will guide you through fundamental aspects of law and case examples so that you understand how concepts translate to the real world. This introduction to law will help you assess whether law is an area you would like to further study or practice in and if you chose to venture on to law school it will give you a foundation to understand the law education you are about to embark upon.

Master Class: Intro to Law School with Distinguished Alum Richard Kent, Esq.


In this two-part Master Class on Law, Richard Kent, Esq., will guide you through fundamental aspects of law and case examples so that you understand how concepts translate to the real world. This introduction to law will help you assess whether law is an area you would like to further study or practice in and if you chose to venture on to law school it will give you a foundation to understand the law education you are about to embark upon.

Master Class: Intro to Law School with Distinguished Alum Richard Kent, Esq.

REGISTER by Thursday, September 14th at 11:59pm.

In this two-part Master Class on Law, Richard Kent, Esq., will guide you through fundamental aspects of law and case examples so that you understand how concepts translate to the real world. This introduction to law will help you assess whether law is an area you would like to further study or practice in and if you chose to venture on to law school it will give you a foundation to understand the law education you are about to embark upon.

Master Class: The Big Business of US Healthcare with HC Alum Mr. Sujaan Sanghvi HC/RBS ‘19

In this two-part Master Class, Mr. Sanghvi will cover the various pieces that make up the US healthcare system: providers, payers, pharmaceuticals/medical devices, consumers, and regulators. Students will explore how each component interacts with each other to form the complex healthcare ecosystem. The Master Class will delve into the challenges and opportunities that arise from the interplay between stakeholders and how they impact the delivery and accessibility of healthcare services to individuals and communities.

HC Master Class and Golf Clinic

HC Master Class and Golf Clinic

Networking and business frequently occur on the golf course, but many people either do not have experience golfing, have never been invited to a ‘seat at the table’ for these types of networking opportunities, or feel uncomfortable joining in because of a lack of familiarity with the sport.

HC Master Class and Golf Clinic

HC Master Class and Golf Clinic

Networking and business frequently occur on the golf course, but many people either do not have experience golfing, have never been invited to a ‘seat at the table’ for these types of networking opportunities, or feel uncomfortable joining in because of a lack of familiarity with the sport.