Amy Adair

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Graduate School of Education (Ph.D. in Education Program)

Amy Adair is a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellow and doctoral candidate in the Ph.D. in Education program at Rutgers University. She is advised by Dr. Janice Gobert at the Graduate School of Education, and her research interests are focused on applying artificial intelligence (AI) in education to design and develop evidence-based tools for STEM teaching, learning, and assessment. Prior to graduate school, Amy received a B.S. in mathematics from Louisiana State University and taught high school math and robotics classes in Louisiana. Drawing from her former experience as a math teacher, her dissertation work focuses on automatically assessing and supporting the ways in which students develop and write about mathematical models in virtual science labs within the Inquiry Intelligent Tutoring System (Inq-ITS). In particular, her work will investigate using large language models (e.g., ChatGPT) to automatically grade students’ written responses. With a passion for all aspects of education and having been a graduate from LSU’s Ogden Honors College, she is excited to serve as a mentor to the Honors College students at Rutgers.

Graduate School of Education (Ph.D. in Education Program)