Professional Mentorships

Annual Career Mentorship Week with HC Alumni
Every Fall semester our generous Honors College Alumni and seasoned Rutgers alumni, offer 1:1 career development appointments to HC students covering topics from 'a day in the life of' the alum's job function and industry, graduate school, fellowships, and how to prepare during the undergraduate years at Rutgers. 

Seasoned Experts
Distinguished Alumni and friends of the Honors College share their career expertise with our undergraduates through two signature programs: Master Classes and Career Chats. These programs offer a small group opportunity for students to learn from seasoned professionals about trending industry topics, career journeys, and how to best prepare for life after college while at Rutgers.

Professionals also invite our students to employer info sessions and site visits, and share job and internship opportunities.

Academic Mentoring with HC Graduate Mentors
Students engage with the Honors College Graduate Mentors, a cohort of full-time doctoral students representing a broad range of academic areas, to prepare for graduate school applications, learn how they have pursued their academic disciplines through research, internships, and further education helping HC students plan for developing professional and academic portfolios, continued education and certifications, as well as network in their respective fields. HC Graduate Mentors also help students prepare to present their research at conferences and symposia via 1:1 appointments each Spring Semester.  

The Official Rutgers NB Honors College LinkedIn Group allows students and alumni to connect regarding opportunities and career exploration.

Online Professional Mentorship
The Rutgers Office of Career Exploration and Success (CES) provides the Student Alumni Career Connect website powered by PeopleGrove to help undergraduates connect with Rutgers alumni in career fields of their choosing. Alumni can designate "Honors College" as students they would prefer to connect with.

If you are an alum, employer, or campus partner interested in the opportunities below, please contact Andrea Rydel, Assistant Dean.

  • Share an internship, full-time or part-time job, or research opportunity to recruit Honors College undergraduate or alumni talent 
  • Serve as an alumni mentor in our Annual Career Mentorship Week offering 30-minute virtual 1:1 appointments, each Fall semester
  • Host an info session, shadowing opportunity, or micro-internship
  • Host a stand-alone Master Class or series on trending industry topics
  • Host a Peak Performance Series Workshop to aid our students in elevating their professional toolkit
  • Serve as a doctoral student in the Graduate Mentor position