HC Peak Performance Series


Honors College students have the opportunity to elevate their professional skills through our Peak Performance Series of workshops and 1:1 meetings. Opportunities range from:

  • Sessions around overcoming imposter syndrome with an executive coach
  • Strengths-based leadership training with access to the Strengths Assessment by Gallup
  • Leading with Emotional Intelligence presented by a top expert in the field of EI
  • Socially Responsible Leadership training with experts from the Rutgers Center for Organizational Leadership
  • Coaching appointments with our Honors College Graduate Mentors to help students prepare to present their research at local and national conferences
  • Peak performance practices with insights from a co-founder of the J&J Human Performance Institute
  • Annual Networking Through Golf Clinic with our Rutgers Golf Pro partner
  • Workshop on creating high-quality academic poster presentations for local and national conferences


Opportunities vary each year and are shared with students through our HC Calendar of Events, the HC Weekly Opportunity Email, and the HC Student Newsletter, Inside the Honors College.


Students who participate in HC Peak Performance Series Workshops receive 2 points per workshop towards the Honors College Merit Pin, marking their professional development achievements through engagement with their HC community.