Parents | Frequently Asked Questions

Honors College students can meet with our Dean of Professional Development to strategize their search process for opportunities. Students can also search within the Rutgers Handshake database of opportunities through the Rutgers Office of Career Exploration and Success.

Shan Reeves, a licensed social worker, is a part of the Honors College team and provides community based support to our Honors College students through a program known as Let’s Talk. Let’s Talk is being offered remotely via phone and video appointments. Students can call 848-932-7884 to request a private and confidential virtual appointment with Mr. Reeves, our HC embedded counselor. Students are asked to leave a voicemail with their full name, phone number, and RUID. For a full list of resources and support, please see our Wellness & Counseling webpage.

Each first-year student in the Honors College is assigned an Honors College Academic Advisor, so there is a natural connection between the HC and your student. Each student was emailed contact information from the Honors College Office of Academic Advising and from their individual advisor. If your student has not yet met with their advisor, please encourage them to do so. Advisors are available to assist students with the transition to college and to provide guidance and support on a variety of academic concerns. 

Professors can also be contacted remotely. Please encourage your student to reach out to both the HC Advisor and their professors if they are experiencing any difficulties with their classes. Learn more about our Academic Advising team.

Students can obtain tutoring sessions through the Rutgers Learning Centers. The services are free and include one-on-one tutoring, academic coaching, study groups, and workshops focusing on topics such as time management and organization.

Honors College Changemaking Communities will continue through the fall and into the winter. The Changemaking Communities are opportunities to connect with classmates and college staff. Other opportunities will be made available throughout the semester, and your student’s classes also provide an opportunity. For more ways to get involved at the HC, please visit our Getting Involved webpage.

You can view the University's academic calendar online for important dates and deadlines. As always, our HC Advisors have advising hours available to support students.