Chancellor Molloy cites Honors College success in recent interview

By Amanda V. Jaffe |

Spotlight on the Interim Chancellor at Rutgers - New Brunswick


TAP Into New Brunswick recently met Interim Chancellor Christopher J. Molloy at his office in the Old Queens administration building for a free-ranging interview. Molloy talked about the need for Rutgers University to sell its story to prospective students, to bring more capital improvements to campus and his long-term plans. 

Below is the second and final excerpt of the interview:

TAPInto: How does Rutgers create opportunities beyond the traditional classroom?

Molloy: “Rutgers is increasing the amount of internship opportunities for our students to get real-world experience with New York and Philadelphia and everything in between. We are leveraging the close proximity to companies in the areas of life sciences, engineering and computer science

Humanities is also among the best in the country, in the areas of English, history, philosophy and physics. We are really building out opportunities for students, for internships, and where they can interact in the area of information sciences.”

TAPInto: What is the update on the Rutgers 2030 master plan?

Molloy: The Rutgers 2030 Physical Master Plan proposes redeveloping the heart of the College Avenue district to create a major new open space framed by new student activities buildings which would share a quadrangle with the College Avenue Gym and open out to the Raritan River. The university is engaged in preliminary planning for this very complicated, long-term initiative. This vision includes the eventual relocation of the main bus hub from College Avenue to George Street. College Avenue would remain open in each direction to cars, buses and bicycles.

TAPInto: We have heard terrific things about the Honors College. How’s it going?

Molloy: “The Honors College takes in approximately 500 students a year, and the median SAT score is 1530. Those scores are among the best in the United States, with only one school having a higher SAT score: Cal Tech. And that includes the Ivy League. The Honors College has attracted the best and brightest in New Jersey and around the country.”


FULL SOURCE: Tap Into | Spotlight on the Interim Chancellor at Rutgers - New Brunswick - Part Two

Spotlight on the Interim Chancellor at Rutgers - Part One