Lessons on the Road to Peace with John Noltner

Mon, Nov 29 | 6:30 PM
8:30 PM
HC Druskin Lounge or Zoom

Since he last visited Rutgers campus in 2020, award-winning photographer John Noltner has driven 45,000 miles across the United States, compiling interviews and photographs of diverse human voices in his multimedia art project: A Peace of My Mind. From stories of immigration along the southern border, to land loss in the Louisiana bayou, to housing security in Los Angeles, John seeks out human stories that focus on using storytelling to build community, reconnect us with humanity, and bridge divides. The Honors College is grateful to welcome John back to (virtually) speak at Lessons on the Road to Peace. This interactive hybrid event will allow students to interact with John virtually, connect with the university’s priorities to build a more beloved community, and participate in a portrait studio while telling their personal stories.

Registration is required if you will be joining by Zoom or if you would like to share your own story through a portrait session.


Conversations with John Noltner: 7:00-7:45 PM

Portrait Sessions: 6:30-7:00PM, 8:00-8:30 PM

Event Category