Honors Housing

Now that you have officially enrolled to the Honors College, be sure to complete your housing application through your enrollment pathway as soon as possible. In most instances, the housing portal may take up to 72 hours to recognize your Honors College status and shift your housing application to the Honors College specific portal. In the event that you apply for housing before this update is completed, the Housing Assignment office will automatically place you within the Honors College community. 


The most important sections of the housing portal will be your life style and/or roommate preferences. If you know another incoming Honors College student, the two of you may select each other as roommates. Otherwise, you will be matched with another Honors College student.

Honors College/Douglass Residential College Community

Honors College members who sign up for Douglass Residential College (DRC) for women will be placed in the DRC wing within the Honors College community. Due to the nature of the DRC community, a DRC woman has the option of selecting another DRC woman as her roommate, or one will be assigned.