Pronouns: she | her | hers
Photo by Andreas Eggenberger
Anette Freytag is a Professor for the History and Theory of Landscape Architecture at Rutgers University (Doctor of Sciences, ETH Zurich 2011 with ETH Medal for Outstanding Scientific Research; Mag. phil. University of Vienna 1998, Cand. phil. University of Vienna 1994). Dr. Freytag’s research investigates designed landscapes from the 19th century to the contemporary practice with a focus on topology, phenomenology, and walking. In 2019, she co-founded the Arts Integration Research Collaborative (AIR), which prioritizes creative placemaking to foster spatial justice through projects that seek safe access to nature for all. Currently, she works on a manual on walking in suburbia that addresses planners, policy makers, and legislators. Dr. Freytag is the author of The Landscapes of Dieter Kienast (J. B. Jackson Book Prize 2022), and The Gardens of La Gara (European Garden Book Award 2019), other books, and numerous papers. Her research was funded by the Rutgers Research Council, the Volkswagen Foundation, the Lucius and Annemarie Burckhardt Foundation, the Christoph Merian Foundation and private donors. Apart from her work in academia, Anette Freytag founded the research bureau ville.jardin.paysage in 2001 and delivered a number of highly regarded studies that contributed to the inscription of architectural ensembles on the UNESCO World Heritage list or on National or Regional Heritage lists. She teaches classes on Landscape History and Theory; The Power of Walking and Listening; Theories in Landscape Architecture, The Total Work of Art – When Art and Life, House and Garden Become One; Music, Sound, and Landscape (a co-taught Byrne Seminar).