Honors Designated Courses

You have the opportunity to take honors sections of traditional courses during your time at Rutgers. These include general courses that often meet core school or major requirements, such as Honors Calculus and Honors Microeconomics, and will provide a smaller, more intensive experience than the traditional, non-honors sections of these courses.

You will also have access to special departmental honors seminars that can fulfill major requirements and offer greater opportunities for high-achieving students to go in-depth into a faculty member’s area of interest.

Fall 2024 Courses

Please note: These courses have been scheduled by the individual departments. They may cancel or reschedule them at their discretion. The Honors College does not monitor departmental course cancellations.


Introduction to Financial Accounting (3)

33:010:272:H1 Index #17750

Professor Yan

All except 1st-years

Biological Sciences

General Biology I (4)

01:119:115:H1 Index #06715

Professor Beal


01:119:116:H2 Index #06716

Professor Stern-Cardinale


SAS Core: NS


Brain, Mind, and Behavior (3)

01:119:195:H1 Index #06813

01:119:195:H2 Index #06814

01:119:195:H3 Index #06815

Professor Cominiski


Honors General Chemistry I (4)

01:160:163:H1 Index #06959

1st-years only

SAS Core: NS


Honors Organic Chemistry (4)

01:160:315:H1 Index #07073

01:160:315:H2 Index #07074

01:160:315:H3 Index #07075

Professor Williams & Sethi

Enrollment by Invitation Only

Cognitive Science

Introduction to Cognitive Science (4)

01:185:201:H1 Index #07272

Professor Byrant & Rhodes


01:185:201:H2 Index #07273

Professor Byrant

Communication and Media Studies

Introduction to Communication and Information Processes (3)

04:189:101:H1 Index #10468

Professor Householder

SAS Core: AHq or AHo, SCL


Introduction to Multimedia Composition (3)

01:351:209:H1 Index #07820

Professor Bielecki


01:351:209:H2 Index #07821

Professor Votipka


SAS Core: AHr


Introduction to Creative Writing (3)

01:351:211:H1 Index #07853

Professor Blaney


01:351:211:H2 Index #07854

Professor Fuhrman


SAS Core: AHr


Exposition & Argument (3)

01:355:103 All sections

Recommended for First Years instead of 01:355:101 College Writing

SAS Core: WC


Financial Management for Finance Majors (3)

33:390:310:H1 Index # 17933

Professor Brick


Special Topics in Finance Seminar (3)

33:390:493:H1 Index # 17981


Modern Literature in French Honors (3)

01:420:217:H1 Index #08454

Professor Jean-Baptiste

SAS Core: AHp or AHo, WCd


Honors Computational Genetics (3)

01:447:203:H1 Index #08467

Professor Ellison

First- and Second-year students only


Genetics (4)

01:447:380:H1 Index #08494

01:447:380:H2 Index #08495

Professor Glodowski


Genetic Analysis I (4)

01:447:384:H1 Index #08509

Professors Verzi and Professor Yadavalli



Introduction to Linguistic Theory (3)

01:615:201:H1 Index #08849

SAS Core: QR, AHq


Introduction to Management (3)

33:620:301:H1 Index #18005


Management Skills (3)

33:620:302:H1 Index #18026


Introduction to Marketing (3)

33:630:301:H1 Index #18066


Calculus I Math/Physics (4)

01:640:151:H1 Index #09169

01:640:151:H2 Index #09170

01:640:151:H3 Index #09171

01:640:151:H4 Index #09172

01:640:151:H5 Index #09173

01:640:151:H6 Index #09174

By Permission: Department Staff

SAS Core: QR, QQ


Calculus II Math/Physics (4)

01:640:152:H1 Index #09208

01:640:152:H2 Index #09209

01:640:152:H3 Index #09210

By Permission: Department Staff

SAS Core: QR, QQ


Multivariable Calculus (4)

01:640:251:H1 Index #09283

01:640:251:H2 Index #09284

01:640:251:H3 Index #09285

01:640:251:H4 Index #09286

01:640:251:H5 Index #09287

01:640:251:H6 Index #09288

By Permission: Department Staff


Honors Calculus III (4)

01:640:291:H1 Index #09293

01:640:291:H2 Index #09294

By Permission: Department Staff


Introduction to Math Reasoning (3)

01:640:300:H1 Index #09305

01:640:300:H2 Index #09306

By Permission: Department Staff


Introduction to Real Analysis I (4)

01:640:311:H1 Index #09313

By Permission: Department Staff


Linear Algebra (3)

01:640:350:H1 Index #09323

By Permission: Department Staff


Math Analysis I (3)

01:640:411:H1 Index #09332

By Permission: Department Staff


Abstract Algebra I (3)

01:640:451:H1 Index #09344

By Permission: Department Staff

All honors math courses and sections require special permission. Students can apply here.

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Honors Introduction to Research in Molecular Biology (4)

01:694:215:H1 Index #09370

Open to First Years only

Professor Vershon

Special Permission from Professor required


Honors Introduction to Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics Research (4)

01:694:316:H1 Index #09371

Open to MBB and Genetics majors only

Professor Vershon

Special Permission from Professor required


Honors Physics I (3)

01:750:271:H1 Index #09715

01:750:271:H2 Index #09716

01:750:271:H3 Index #09717

01:750:271:H4 Index #09718

01:750:271:H5 Index #09719

Professor Chou

SAS Core: NS


Honors Physics III (3)

01:750:273:H1 Index #09720

01:750:273:H2 Index #09721

01:750:273:H3 Index #09722

Professor Lath


Classical Physics Lab I (2)

01:750:275:H1 Index #09723

01:750:275:H2 Index #09724

Professor Podzorov

01:750:275:H3 Index # 09725

01:750:275:H4 Index # 09726

01:750:275:H5 Index # 09727

01:750:275:H6 Index # 09728

01:750:275:H7 Index # 09729

Political Science

Introduction to International Relations (3)

01:790:102:H1 Index #09773

Professor Tomashevskiy & Professor Kim




Law & Politics (3)

01:790:106:H1 Index #09794

Professor Cantor & Professor Stewart

SAS Core: HST or SCL



Introduction to Political Science Methods (3)

01:790:300:H1 Index #09812

Professor Field

SAS Core: QQ


General Psychology (3)

01:830:101:H1 Index #09892

Professor Foels


Supply Chain and Marketing Science

Introduction to Supply Chain Management (3)

33:799:301:H1 Index #18099

Women's, Gender, And Sexuality Studies

Knowledge and Power (3)

01:988:130:H1 Index #10350

Professor Gray

SAS Core: CCD or CCO

Spring 2024 Courses

Please note: These courses have been scheduled by the individual departments. They may cancel or reschedule them at their discretion. The Honors College does not monitor departmental course cancellations.


Culture and Social Life (3)

01:070:101:H1 Index #05576

Professor Tompkins



Language, Culture, and Society (3)

01:070:108:H1 Index #05598

Professor Riley

SAS Core: AHq

Biological Sciences

General Biology II (4)

01:119:116:H1 Index #05961

Professor Beal


01:119:116:H2 Index #05962

Professor Stern-Cardinale


SAS Core: NS

Business Analytics and Information Technology

Statistical Methods in Business (3)

33:136:385:H1 Index #16968

Professor Gursoy

Cell Biology and Neuroscience

Fundamentals of Neurobiology (3)

01:146:245:H1 Index #06063

Professor Margolis


Honors Immunology (3)

01:146:476:H1 Index #17786

Professor Daniels


Honors General Chemistry (4)

01:160:164:H1 Index #06160

Professor Waldie, Professor Muniz


01:160:164:H2 Index #06161

Professor Waldie


Honors Organic Chemistry (4)

01:160:316:H1 Index #06282

Professor Gu, Roth


01:160:316:H2 Index #06283

Professor Gu, Roth


01:160:316:H3 Index #06284

Professor Gu


01:160:316:H4 Index #06285

Professor G, Roth

English-Creative Writing

Multimedia Composition (3)

01:351:209:H1 Index #07000

Professor Bielecki

SAS Core: AHr


Creative Writing (3)

01:351:212:H1 Index #07027

Professor Blaney

SAS Core: AHr


01:351:212:H2 Index #07028

Professor Fuhrman

SAS Core: AHr


Financial Management for Finance Majors (3)

33:390:310:H1 Index #17045

Professor Hoffman


French Literature from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment (3)

01:420:218:H1 Index #07591

Professor Pairet

SAS Core: AHp, AHo, WCd


Genetics (4)

01:447:380:H1 Index #07637

01:447:380:H2 Index #07638

Professor Soliman


Genetic Analysis II (4)
Professor Soliman

Geological Sciences

Sea Change (3)

01:460:110:H1 Index #07708

Professor Miller

SAS Core: NS, CCo


Intro to Linguistic Theory (3)

01:615:201:H1 Index #08025

Professor Yolyan

SAS Core: AHq, QR

Management and Global Business

Introduction to Management (3)

33:620:301:H1 Index #17114


Management Skills (3)

33:620:302:H1 Index #17114


Introduction to Marketing (3)

33:630:301:H1 Index #17174


Calculus II Math/Physics (4)

01:640:152:H1 Index #08299

01:640:152:H2 Index #08300

01:640:152:H3 Index #08301

SAS Core: QR, QQ


Multivariable Calculus (4)

01:640:251:H1 Index #08365

01:640:251:H2 Index #08366

01:640:251:H3 Index #08367


Honors Calculus IV (4)

01:640:292:H1 Index #08371

01:640:292:H2 Index #08372


Introduction to Math Reasoning (3)

01:640:300:H1 Index #08382


Introduction to Real Analysis I (4)

01:640:311:H1 Index #08387


Linear Algebra (3)

01:640:350:H1 Index #08396


Math Analysis II (3)
01:640:412:H1 Index #08408


Abstract Algebra II (3)

01:640:452:H1 Index #08421


Honors Physics II (3)

01:750:272:H1 Index #08760

01:750:272:H2 Index #08761

01:750:272:H3 Index #08762

01:750:272:H4 Index #08763

01:750:272:H5 Index #08764

01:750:272:H6 Index #08765

Professor Chakram

SAS Code: NS

Political Science

Nature of Politics (3)

01:790:101:H1 Index #08808

Professor Gambino



Intro to Political Science Methods (3)

01:790:300:H1 Index #18080

SAS Core: QQ

Supply Chain and Marketing Science

Intro Supply Chain

33:799:301:H1 Index #17212

Professor McLaury


General Psychology (3)

01:830:101:H1 Index #08919

Professor Foels



Cognition (3)

01:830:305:H1 Index #08945

Professor Leslie

Women's, Gender, And Sexuality Studies

ISS Women Leadership (3)

01:988:130:H1 Index #09392

Professor Thompson

SAS Core: CCd, CCo