Honors College Media Team

Photo of Media team

The Honors College Media Team is dedicated to capturing life in the Honors College community through the eyes of its students. Made up of photographers, videographers, graphic designers, writers, and other creative individuals, the Media Team contributes content to the Honors College website, student blog, social media platforms, newsletters, and marketing materials.

Key Initiatives

HC Student Blog — students contribute their stories and insights on their Rutgers HC experiences to the Student Blog. Stories range from study abroad reflections, research interests, hobbies, and college friendships. Blog posts are curated, edited, and often contributed by media team members.

HC Instagram Page — follow the Instagram account to stay up to date with Instagram takeovers, media campaigns, student profiles, and event coverage.

HC Roving Reporter — produced 1-2 times per semester, these upbeat, seasonally thematic videos are created by first-year students to highlight the lighter side of life in the Honors College.

HC Event Coverage — media team students cover events through photography, videography, social media, and feature articles, from the monthly LinkedIn headshot photo session to Coffeehouse filming, to Welcome Week, Geek Week, Winter Ball, guest speakers, and more.

HC Creative Projects — media team graphic designers supplement social media campaign designs, HC organization logos, and HC art. See examples, like the HC Zoom backgrounds, here.

Honors College Featured Videos — see the Honors College YouTube Channel for all videos. Here are a few favorites:

Meet Our Media Team

Media Team Leaders

Zoe Reich
Zoe Reich
Lead Writer
Maddie Cortes
Maddie Cortes
Co-Lead Photographer
Amol Shirodkar
Amol Shirodkar
Co-Lead Photographer
Kaitlyn Fung
Kaitlyn Fung
Co-Lead Videographer
Rachel Toepfer
Co-Lead Videographer
Emerson Eng
Emerson Eng
Co-Lead Graphic Designer
Karen Luo Ye
Karen Luo Ye
Co-Lead Graphic Designer
Eva Zhang
Eva Zhang
Tech Leader

Media Team Members

Rehan Yadav
Rehan Yadav
Sophie Brown
Sophie Brown
Soham Phargade
Soham Phargade
Amelia Khoo
Amelia Khoo
Tori He
Tori He
Trisha Yu
Trisha Yu
Amber Kurland
Amber Kurland
Allison Gandlin
Allison Gandlin

Becoming a Media Team Member

If you are interested in joining the Honors College Media Team or have questions, please send an email to HCMediaTeam@rutgers.edu