The Honors College Media Team is dedicated to capturing life in the Honors College community through the eyes of its students. Made up of photographers, videographers, graphic designers, writers, and other creative individuals, the Media Team contributes content to the Honors College website, student blog, social media platforms, newsletters, and marketing materials.
Key Initiatives
HC Student Blog — students contribute their stories and insights on their Rutgers HC experiences to the Student Blog. Stories range from study abroad reflections, research interests, hobbies, and college friendships. Blog posts are curated, edited, and often contributed by media team members.
HC Instagram Page — follow the Instagram account to stay up to date with Instagram takeovers, media campaigns, student profiles, and event coverage.
HC Roving Reporter — produced 1-2 times per semester, these upbeat, seasonally thematic videos are created by first-year students to highlight the lighter side of life in the Honors College.
HC Event Coverage — media team students cover events through photography, videography, social media, and feature articles, from the monthly LinkedIn headshot photo session to Coffeehouse filming, to Welcome Week, Geek Week, Winter Ball, guest speakers, and more.
HC Creative Projects — media team graphic designers supplement social media campaign designs, HC organization logos, and HC art. See examples, like the HC Zoom backgrounds, here.
Honors College Featured Videos — see the Honors College YouTube Channel for all videos. Here are a few favorites:
Meet Our Media Team
Media Team Leaders
Emerson Eng
Co-Lead Graphic Designer
Allison Gandlin
Co-Lead Videographer
Tori He
Co-Lead Graphic Designer
Amelia Khoo
Lead Photographer
Amber Kurland
Co-Lead Writer
Karen Luo Ye
Co-Lead Graphic Designer
Rachel Toepfer
Co-Lead Videographer
Trisha Yu
Team Lead, Co-Lead Writer
Media Team Members
Hemadharshinii Sendhilvel
Rachel Toepfer ('25, SAS/HC) is a non-binary student from Massachusetts who is majoring in Political Science and minoring in Women and Gender Studies. In the last few years they have worked for Massachusetts political campaigns and politicians in the hope to learn more about government and politics. They are looking to pursue a career in law and civil rights to continue their LGBTQ+ advocacy in legislation and law related fields. Outside of their studies they enjoy taking photos, drawing, and watching dungeons and dragons campaigns.
Emerson Eng ('25 MGSA/SC&I/HC) is pursuing a double major in Design and Information Technology & Informatics. He is interested in user experience design, listening to music, illustration, and concept art. They are currently a graphic design intern at the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University. He is also excited to be a lead for the Graphic Design team and contributing to the Honors College.
Karen Luo Ye ('25, MGSA/SC&I/HC) is pursuing a double major in Design and Information Technology and Informatics. She is interested in pursuing UX/UI design but for now, she is involved with Creative X as a Graphics Director and holds a position as a graphic artist at Rutgers University Libraries. They spend their free time exploring art mediums but she also enjoys watching shows, listening to music, reading, and sometimes just doing nothing. As one of the leads of the graphic design team, she is excited to be able to continue contributing and giving back to the Honors College.
Eva Zhang ('25, RBS/HC) is majoring in Computer Science and BAIT. As tech leader, she helps maintain the Honors College website and contributes to other tech-related projects. In her free time, Eva enjoys reading, crocheting, and arts and crafts.
Amelia Khoo ('25, SAS/HC) is majoring in Information Technology and Informatics with a minor in Psychology. At Rutgers, she is also involved in Club Gymnastics. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, listening to music, going on Pinterest, and discovering new restaurants. As the photography team lead, she is excited to capture and explore all aspects of Rutgers and the HC.
Tori He ('26, SAS/HC) is double majoring in Political Science and English and minoring in Mathematics; after graduation, she hopes to pursue a JD in either criminal justice or corporate law. When she is not helping to make illustrations on the Graphic Design team or looking after grade-school kids in RU Pilot Me, she enjoys playing volleyball, drawing, and reading––but most importantly, fawning over her dog, Kermie.
Trisha Yu ('27, SAS/HC) is majoring in History and minoring in French. She plays viola in Rutgers Sinfonia and is secretary of Rutgers Undergraduate Society of History (RUSH). In her free time, she likes to draw, read, and create figurines (whether clay or 3D printed). She is looking forward to contributing to the Honors College Media Team and the community as a whole.
Amber Kurland ('27, SAS/HC) is majoring in Journalism and Media Studies with a minor in Arts Management and Leadership. She is a Scarlet Ambassador, a contributing writer for The Daily Targum, and co-Creative Coordinator for the Livingston Theatre Company. She spends her free time watching TV, listening to music, and reading (especially romcoms). She is excited to be able to contribute to and give back to the Honors College community through writing and social media.
Allison Gandlin ('27, SOE/HC) is pursuing a major in Engineering. She is involved with Rutgers Athletics as a Novice Rower and as a member of the video department for the Rutgers football team. She loves to bike to and from classes and enjoys staying active in intramural sports, particularly volleyball and flag football. She likes to journal, explore philosophy, draw and is a foodie.
Amber Kurland ('27, SAS/HC) is majoring in Journalism and Media Studies with a minor in Arts Management and Leadership. She is a Scarlet Ambassador, a contributing writer for The Daily Targum, and co-Creative Coordinator for the Livingston Theatre Company. She spends her free time watching TV, listening to music, and reading (especially romcoms). She is excited to be able to contribute to and give back to the Honors College community through writing and social media.
Joshua John ('28, SAS/HC) is majoring in Computer Science and Data Science. He aspires to get involved with radio platforms and website/app development while at Rutgers University. He spends his free time bike riding and hunting for his next favorite TV show whenever possible. He is ecstatic to contribute to the Honors College community as a member of the tech team within the Honors College Media Team.
Hemadharshinii Sendhilvel ('28, SAS/HC) intends to major in Computer Science and Data Science. She aspires to get involved with UI/UX Design and Robotics while at Rutgers University. She passes her free time drawing, listening to music, playing video games, and reading. She is excited to be a part of the HC Media Team and connect with many HC students.
Edith Zhao ('28, SEBS/HC) is planning to major in the area of Environmental Sciences. So far in her time at Rutgers she aspires to get involved with environmental justice organizations, animal welfare clubs, and a theater group on campus. In her free time she loves poetry and creative writing, and adventuring through the great outdoors, in search of massive boulders to scale. She hopes to contribute greatly to the HC Media Team as a member of its videography group.
Saanvi Bhuteja ('27, SAS HC) is planning to major in Biological Sciences and Public Health. She aspires to attend dental school after graduating Rutgers to ultimately become an orthodontist. At Rutgers, she is involved in Partners In Health, GlobeMed, Dental Knights Association, and Rutgers University Alternative Breaks. In her free time, she loves to be outside, listen to music, and swim. She is looking forward to being a part of the HC Media Team as a writer!
Nathan Pham ('28, SAS/HC) is planning to major in Computer Science. He wants to get involved with media production and continue to pursue his passion of photography and videography. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies, taking photos, and just walking around.
Ashley Chang ('28, MGSA/HC) is majoring in filmmaking. She aspires to get more involved with film/media at Rutgers and work on movie sets in the future. In her free time she loves journaling, going on scenic walks, singing, and playing with her cat. She is excited to be part of the HC Media Team and contribute to the Honors College community!
Cecilia Kolenich (‘28, MGSA/HC) is majoring in filmmaking and minoring in arts management and Spanish. She has a background in photography and journalistic videography, so she’s never without a camera. In her free time Cecilia enjoys journaling, running, and editing videos. She can’t wait to make friends while working with the Media Team at Rutgers!
This information is forthcoming...
Becoming a Media Team Member
If you are interested in joining the Honors College Media Team or have questions, please send an email to