Global Gender Issues

Professor Jacquelyn Litt (Sociology)
T/Th 3:50-5:10PM
Murray 113
According to the UN Trend Report on Global Forced Displacement the year 2021 witnessed a devastating world-wide crisis as 90 million people across the globe were forced to flee their homes. This is more than double the number of just ten years ago and estimates are for a further increase to 100 million in 2022. Men and women are roughly equal in their representation. Estimates of LGBTI individuals have been difficult to discern.
This course examines the gender dynamics that impact and emerge from displacement. Issues such as reproductive health, trafficking, sexual and gendered violence, shelter, livelihoods, climate emergencies, conflict, labor, and other topics will be addressed. Drawing on the research produced in academia, in the humanitarian and development sectors and from the perspectives of the displaced we consider the conditions creating forced displacement, its consequences and its gendered forms. After an introduction to broad issues in migration and gender, students will undertake collaborative projects that focus on displacement in a particular region.