Congratulations to the Featured Presenters of the Spring 2021 Forum Pitch Showcase!

Spring 2021

Every first-year Honors College student takes the Honors College mission course, the Forum, and each semester, they create more than 50 social impact projects. Putting their Curiosity,  Knowledge,  and Purpose to work, they collaborate in small interdisciplinary teams to create sustainable social impact concepts to address specific local challenges in communities near and far. Through their projects, they also  learn to work together to research, refine, articulate, and present their ideas in a compelling and persuasive manner to raise awareness for the issues and garner support.  

Congratulations to all of the teams who presented before a panel of judges from business and academia and to our featured social impact projects, which stood out at this spring’s Forum Showcase!   

Featured Social Impact Projects

Kelp the Bay

Kelp the Bay aims to mitigate the economic and environmental impact of nitrogen pollution in the Barnegat Bay by cultivating seaweed, which absorbs the nitrogen, in existing shellfish farms.

Kelp the Bay - graphic


Kelp the Bay - team photo

Student Project Team and Advisers (from top, L-R by row):
Mugdha Parulekar, Learning Assistant
Elena Rotondo, Teaching Fellow, Behavioral Systems Neuroscience
Maria Galkin ('24, SOE/HC)
Donovan Kerns ('24, SOE/HC)
Elizabeth Cocchiola ('24, SAS/HC)
Nethra Jayaprakash ('23, RBS/HC), Writing Learning Assistant
Anna Chostko ('24, SAS/HC)



BlackMamasConnect aims to connect Black low-income mothers in NYC to Black doctors and doulas, as well as to racially and culturally competent events and services across the city, to help mitigate the effects of maternal mortality on this population.

Black Mamas Connect - graphic


Black Mamas Connect - team photo

Student Project Team and Advisers (from top, L-R by row): 
Sakshi Koul ('24, SOE/HC)
Teka Nicholas, Teaching Fellow, Sustainable Futures
Rachel Sun ('26, EMSOP/HC)
Jaden Vnencak ('23, SAS/HC), Learning Assistant
Ria Gadani ('23, SOE/HC)
Christine Cherian ('24, SEBS/HC)
Juliet Petillo ('24, EMSOP/HC), Writing Learning Assistant


Optimize aims to reduce stress and anxiety among high school students by providing workshops and mentorships focused on improving time management skills.

Optimize - graphic


Optimize - team photo

Student Project Team and Advisers (from top, L-R by row):
Aastha Dangi ('22, SAS/HC), Learning Assistant
Talia Robbins, Teaching Fellow, Cognitive Psychology
Theo Nguyen ('24, SAS/HC)
Ryan Mau ('24, SOE/HC)
Amala Mathew ('24, SAS/HC)
Sheaa Amin ('24, SAS/HC)
Jawad Mamun ('23, SAS/HC), Writing Learning Assistant