HC students traveled the world this year from Spain and Ireland to the Dominican Republic, Chile, China, and elsewhere across the globe! Take advantage of all of the travel opportunities that Rutgers has to offer—study abroad for a semester or year, take a short trip as part of an Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar, do service abroad through an Alternative Break, and more.
Karl Mulligan ('19, SAS/HC), pictured left taking in Granada, said: "I believe study abroad is one of the most unique and valuable experiences that Rutgers has to offer. You'd be hard pressed to find another point in your life when you're able to spend several months truly living and breathing the culture of another country. You're able to learn about history and culture from a firsthand perspective and get to know some spectacular people, in a way that being a tourist simply doesn't afford you. I know the intimate relationship I have with Spain as a result of my semester abroad is one that will last me a lifetime."
Gianna Acampora ('20, SAS/HC) shared this: "Over spring break, I had the opportunity to go to Ireland and Northern Ireland with my Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar [Forging an Irish Identity]. Being able to learn about Irish history and culture in the classroom was a great experience, but being able to learn about it while staying in Ireland was priceless. We toured around the beautiful cities of Dublin and Belfast, going to museums and historical landmarks like Titanic Belfast and Giant’s Causeway. I will never forget the moment after climbing up Cavehill in the rain, when we got to the top and we saw the breathtaking overview of the city of Belfast."
Ezekiel Medina ('20, SAS/HC) took an Alternative Spring Break with a Rutgers delegation through the Center for Latino Arts and Culture to do service in the Dominican Republic: "Recently, there was a revocation of citizenship for Dominicans of Haitian descent in the country leaving many stateless and at risk for deportation. I had the opportunity to visit the impoverished villages or bateyes where these individuals reside and the only schools that exist for their children. The entire trip was eye-opening and thought-provoking, and there were many instances where I felt a multitude of emotions. But ultimately, I fell in love with the culture and the people. It has inspired me to live a more conscious life here in the United States and to make an effort to challenge colonial mindsets wherever I go."