A number of Traditions programming occurs at the Honors College, which will be continued throughout our students’ four-year experience, including:
Honors College Welcome Week
The Honors College Welcome Week is a multi-day, early arrival experience consisting of academic and social events for HC students to take part in.
Coffeehouses provide an opportunity for students to showcase their talents and practice their skills on stage, as well as catch up with HC peers in a social setting. Coffeehouses occur twice a semester and are themed, with the final Coffeehouse dedicated to the graduating class!
HC Serves
As part of the Honors College mission to develop service-minded "innovation citizens," a minimum of 30 hours of approved service work is required in the first three years. Check out the HC Serves webpage to learn more about the HC Community Service Learning Requirement, find volunteer opportunities for Honors College students to engage meaningfully with their communities, and a form to log service hours and Changemaking Points.
Geek Week
Geek Week is an educational series held by Student Centers and Activities during which students will engage with renowned faculty and speakers in an interdisciplinary discussion on the multiple facets of popular science fiction. The Honors College holds one program in collaboration with Student Centers and Activities during Geek Week.
Honors College Academic Showcase
The Honors College Academic Showcase highlights the work of seniors completing Capstones, as well as student projects developed in Cross-Cultural Competency and Contract courses. Students may present their work in a multiplicity of formats.
Honors College Class Plaque Dedication Ceremony
The Honors College Class Plaque Dedication Ceremony is the annual reveal of the plaque installed in the HC Fireside Lounge for the graduating class, which includes brunch and a speech from the Dean.