Coloring Pages



Coloring is a great way to relax and express your creative side. Our amazing Media Team artists have created these coloring pages of favorite spots from around the Rutgers–New Brunswick campus. Take a break from your studies, grab your crayons or markers, and enjoy! 

When you're done coloring your page, feel free to share on social media #RUHonorsCollegeNB or send it to the media team to be shared on official Honors College social media channels.

Coloring Page Gallery


Alexander Library
Alexander Library
Sophie Brown ('24 SAS/HC)
Kissing Bridge
Kissing Bridge
Maria Galkin ('24 Engineering/HC)
Passion Puddle
Passion Puddle
Camila Correa ('24 SAS/HC)


Maria Galkin ('24 Engineering/HC)
Honors College
Honors College
Lauren Krasnoff ('22 Mason Gross/HC)
Richard Weeks
Richard Weeks Hall
Maria Galkin ('24 Engineering/HC)


Honors College Wing
Victoria He ('26 SAS/HC)
Honors College
Bishop Place
Karen Luo Ye ('25 Mason Gross/HC)



Check out the Honors College coloring book featured during Rutgers Day!


Coloring Page Usage

Please note that these coloring pages are provided by the artists solely for your use as a coloring page. Use of this artwork for other purposes is strictly prohibited and protected under the copyright provided at the bottom of this webpage.